dilluns, 6 de desembre del 2010

something is broken

And then, you feel like an empty plate. You miss some ingredients, nevertheless, you need kind of cleanliness for freedom. Contradictions, you never know...

Sometimes it's better to leave something broken, because if you try to fix it, you may end up getting hurt all over again. Or, in the worst case, hurting someone.

dilluns, 4 d’octubre del 2010


Having a look in the bus and I was the only one wearing the belt. Curious. Just in front of our stomach (or our breasts, depending on how tall you are) we have that blue&white imperative or perhaps suggesting picture.

The insurance atmosphere is running against me, countdown; a phone number that follows an 0044, a five and a half hours trip, the Llucia Ramis' book next to me, a fat luggage that couldn't be closed without sitting on it. Looking forward to the telling-weekend-stories-time in Madrid.

Last night: warm hugs saying bye bye and seeking North-West directions.
At home: mom, dad and brother.
On the iPod: Els Amics de les Arts.
For tomorrow: a welcome business lunch.
Now: three and a half hours left. Almost one hundred and two litters of beer in the kitchen.


dimarts, 23 de març del 2010

To miss

"to regret the absence or loss of"

dissabte, 30 de gener del 2010

Don't you get bored at home?

- Spain is really immersed in that crisis.

- Long term pensions are not guaranteed.

- A huge part of the population (50%-70%) go into retirement before their 65 (the official age), and just 35% of people are working until they are 65 years old.

- University students don't start to pay for the national insurance until they are almost 25, later than they are expected.

- Life expectancy is longer than when the current pensions system was elaborated.

- We have more sanitary resources.

- Whe have developed technology, so we don't have to work as (physically) hard as before.

- When people are retired, they get depressed.

- Businessmen who own a small company go to the retirement to draw the pension, but they don't give up managing their familiar business. It seems they don't trust young and qualified generations...

- Young generations are less populated and have under qualified jobs, however they are paying the retirement of very populated old generations during around 30 years (since they go into retirement until they die). Will they be able to do that longer?

Aren't these reasons enough to extend the retirement age just two years?

And, what about a partial retirement after the age of 65?

dimecres, 6 de gener del 2010

reeds for help

Reeds: useful or disturbing stuff?

That was a kind of broken day. When trying to figure out the meaning there was always a little goblin who came with his reed and stayed in the middle of the issue. No discussion with logical end, just words; no problem with consistent solution, just suppositions.

Nevertheless, using that reed, it was possible to sustain the question, to mantain it alive longer. So, next time, the same unresolved point, one more way to carry on our own trial.

That's the prominent spiral when pretending to take a decision before its time.

dimecres, 29 de juliol del 2009

So what?

Is it possible to feel unconfortable at home? Yes it is. And it is also possible to feel out of joint in your group of friends. Time has been passing and each one of us has been doing what he or she prefered. Building our lifes on different ways, even on opposite ways. And the conclusion of all those paths is that we are almost alone. One of us would like to do something and it has to be done alone, without company (or with new people) the others are not going to give for you, be sure. While everything is happenning, one day, you fall in love. How to say "I love you" tactfully without being unnoticed? Don't ask those old friends, their advices will not work now. You will not feel comfortable acting as they recomend.

The other part support the opinion that home friends will be always there, waiting for you, helping you when you need them. They will give you the best advices. They will share everyting with you. They are always going to ask you "how are you" and "how is your new job going on".

So now, what? What's the truth?

diumenge, 1 de març del 2009


Silence, silence was what I needed this morning, when I got up after a Saturday night. I had been sleeping during almost seven hours, and they were enough to rest, to charge my energies and to go for a relax time.

Getting up, something to drink and to eat, dress up to run and to walk, a bottle of water, take the car and go to the beach. I couldn’t imagine that there could be such a kind of corridor full of people enjoying their Sunday. Dogs, bikes, skaters,... And me, thinking about the silence of those last weeks. And then, a sunbeam in front of me, to “wake me up”, to make me realize that views were much more beautiful than the past silence.

Don’t think and just wait. Time will run and things will come.