dimecres, 26 de març del 2008

Your own atmosphere

You can enjoy the pleasures of everyday life without special things. Just think something is nice and have fun. You can run around yourself to find unbeatable details and surely you won't be able to find them. And maybe then, you are in a simply situation and you are enjoying without realizing about it.

Life is what you want and what you make with your own grain of sand. You can build a castel, or just a disordered amount of grains. Try to create your own atmosphere with these simply tools.

3 comentaris:

Mandragora ha dit...

Oh nice english Miri, I see, you have done your english homework, or maybe, you've just lost your embarrassment...

Gracies per contestar tàn entusiasmada al meu email ,espere que la llarga absència haja valgut la pena. Quan recibixca la postal m'enrecordaré de tú, i d'eixa nit que vam quedar per a parlar i estava tan cansat de currar que no sabia ni lo que deia, i no parava de badallar...En fí, seguim en contacte by blog-via, ok?


Mandragora ha dit...

Ahm, en la pressa m'he oblidat de comentar lo que has escrit!
Com be dius, i hem deies, amb eixos petits moments senzills, i amb dos detallets dels amics, et plenes de la vida a tope, i al cap i a la fí, aprecies més tot (ja sabem de que parlem els que alguna vegada ho hem sentit, no?)

Arrevoire, com deia Baudelaire.

Vic ha dit...

True, absolutely true.
I have this situation with my scarf. :) Usually in wintertime it's part of my life and I wear it all the time. So as spring approaching, I have difficulties (again) to get it off.
Write more, I love it!