dimecres, 23 d’abril del 2008

Something to think about

I know that today is Saint Jordi's day and this is the lovers' day in the Catalan Countries. Each girl or woman will receive a rose from a boy or man; and she will give him a book.

On the other hand, it is also the international week in the NHL (my "university" in The Netherlands) and we are attending to some international courses. The last and most interesting one was given by Miriam Wall, an Irish woman who is working in Canada. During her lesson we have been talking about economy. You may know everything better than me, because you can watch TV (I don't have it).

Currently, the price of the oil is growing and the value of the dollar is falling (and it make me think about the '29 Crash in New York): €1 = $1.6 Now, our euro is very strong. If we would like, we could buy a lot of things in America with few euros, or have a nice trip (low cost) there. But the situation is not so nice in Spain. The construction bubble has started to deflate. Some companies are in default of payments and bankruptcy. American people won't come to our coasts on holidays this summer, I'm sure. What is going to happen with our beautiful restaurants, with our nice hotel resorts?

Have Spain built useless infraestructures?

dilluns, 14 d’abril del 2008


Small things that explode under the pressure from an excess of heat.

It is not my case now, but in the encounter with this picture, while I was having a look among them, is this the first thing that beat my mind. Some days you want to run away and leave everything you have already started. You do not mind what they will say, what they will think or what they will complain to you.
You exploit as popcorn.

The next day, you wake up and your bed is full of roses, everything is nice and kind again. You are not a grain of corn.

diumenge, 13 d’abril del 2008

dissabte, 5 d’abril del 2008


You can be sure that the course of this river will not change unless someone changes it to the force. However you can not be so sure that your environment will not change.

We must return, and it will not be precisely to an "ideal world". We must return to an evident reality. And the most frustrating thing will be that, perhaps, me (and myself) will be who has changed more than the environment itself.