You can check that in each small space you could take a nice picture. That picture could make you think about lovely details which are or have been part of your own life. They could be feelings, senses or precious memories.
You should keep in your mind these images and bring them with you in the most and better relaxed moments. Use them just to appreciate your beautiful life.
2 comentaris:
I'm happy that you switched to English! From now on I don't have to use traductor and guess the meaning of the whole thing.
In my hometown there is one special place which I love and hate at the same time...
I will stay your regular reader!
Oh I'm happy 'cause you are posting in english, so I understand that your level of english it's high.
No estic mal, lo que les falles m'agobien, i a qui no?
Gràcies pels teus comentaris. Espere que vaja tot bé per ahí. El nou look del teu blog m'agrada molt. Ahm, que m'enterat de que puc moderar comentaris i respondre't desde el meu propi blog, encara que no escrigues, i sóc fidel seguidor del teu foto blog!
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