Small things that explode under the pressure from an excess of heat.
It is not my case now, but in the encounter with this picture, while I was having a look among them, is this the first thing that beat my mind. Some days you want to run away and leave everything you have already started. You do not mind what they will say, what they will think or what they will complain to you.
You exploit as popcorn.
The next day, you wake up and your bed is full of roses, everything is nice and kind again. You are not a grain of corn.
2 comentaris:
Good association!
I like every day which is not usual! Those days are like tests, you have to beat them. But of course you can hide, but in that case the commissar will come and shot you in the back. No retreat! :D
No, just joking.
Good text next to the picture. Really.
Oh Miri, cada vegada més introspectiva, m'agrada (cada crisi ens fa patir un poc, pero a la vegada ens fa millors, crec) i a la vegada hem sap mal que penses que qualsevol dia parlant amb tu, m'expolte el cap com una roseta, bò, si es lo que penses sobre la nostra relació escrita, hem pareix perfecte, pero jo per si de cas, no m'arrimaré molt pel microones...jaja.
Vinga, desdramatitza els teus dies!
Un beset del teu coach personal, ad+ de competència directa almenys en temes de export&import. Bye Bye
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