divendres, 18 de juliol del 2008

Paellas' day

From the 11th to the 20th of July, Pedreguer is really involved in the celebration in honour to Saint Bonaventura. During these ten days, we have fully schedule with breakfasts in the town square, lunches with free beer and free snaks, attractions for children; free drinks, snaks and melon for dinner, bulls, shows, concerts, masses, processions and contests.

Here, you can see our PAELLA, it was two days ago during the paellas' day. The organisation comission provided us with the meat, the vegetables, the wine, the snaks and the beer and then we were in charge to prepare the paella and have lunch in the town square with a lot of people. It was really funny!

After that we went to the kiosk to get a MENTIRETA: it is lemon drink served with crushed ice mixed with BURRET, a coffee licor. People started to get a bit drunk and they were throwing water to each other. It would be funnier if the weather were nicer, that day it was raining a little bit...

I am not a good cooker, but I learned a lot paying attention to the cooking skills of some of my friends. Congratulations for Roser and Raquel! Our paella was delicious!

1 comentari:

Vic ha dit...

I always said I should have been born there! :)