Traying to put everything together so as to find the best composition. In a deep ocean where everything is dispersed, there is no way to bring order. All you can find are tiny pieces of somewhat, without the meaning you are looking for.
Let me give you a little bit of good and a little negative to find a balance.
I will use rationality, feelings and senses to find my decision.
I am aware of my past and consistent with my future; I will build a shape for my current present.
I will mix each small bit of me in a glass jar.
Let me give you a little bit of good and a little negative to find a balance.
I will use rationality, feelings and senses to find my decision.
I am aware of my past and consistent with my future; I will build a shape for my current present.
I will mix each small bit of me in a glass jar.
2 comentaris:
Eixa connexió teua a la xarxa es prou precària (i això que els holandesos presumien de que ells mai havien sofert ningúna "caiguda").
M'encanta el teu escrit en prosa poètica, tu que dius que no en tens ni idea...expreses una profunditat molt complexa i romàntica. Per cert t'has tornat una fotògrafa excel·lent, i m'encanten eixes fotos teues amb tò intimista.
Et torne a donar les gràcies per els teus detalls, i estic esperant parlar amb tu pronte (via msn, via face to face).
Un beset sincer from your land.
Perhaps the most emotianal on your blog you have ever produced. The photo strenghtens the sensibility of the text and visa versa. The whole thing recalls a picture of cooking something. From different raw materials something whole is made.
In a breakable glass jar.
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