dimecres, 18 de juny del 2008

Few days

Few days and it will be over.

Few days and I will be back.

Few days and we will be dreaming.

Few days and you will be missing.

Few days and she will go far.

Few days and he will be happy.

Few days and they will be waiting for me again.

Walking arround such a warm way I have been able to think, to remember, to decide, to appreciate. Always alone, with my keys and my half-litter bottle of water. Once with my camera.

Has this morning been the last walk? We will see...

2 comentaris:

Vic ha dit...

I don't know which one is better. Saying goodbye when everything is cold and on a dark, cloudy night you are walking(!) home because you sold your bike before OR with the singing birds and caring sunshine.
Everybody knew that one day it would be over. I knew it too. I was thinking about it every day. And still, when it came it was perhaps the heaviest moment of my life.
Backk home my friends helped me a lot though I didn't realize it how much I needed them.

Mandragora ha dit...

Les paraules mesurades, saben millor quan les deixes reposar un bon temps, i encara que una de les millors oportunitats de la teua vida estiga a punt d'acabar, sempre tornarás a ella mig melencòlica mig feliç, d'haver pogut crèixer personalment, en el teu viatge iniciàtic cap a la plenitud de la vida...

És un record íntim, que ningú ja et podrá llevar, i en moments difícils tal volta tornes a ell, per a crèixer de nou.

Sinceramente tuyo, tu amigo Jau.