diumenge, 1 de març del 2009


Silence, silence was what I needed this morning, when I got up after a Saturday night. I had been sleeping during almost seven hours, and they were enough to rest, to charge my energies and to go for a relax time.

Getting up, something to drink and to eat, dress up to run and to walk, a bottle of water, take the car and go to the beach. I couldn’t imagine that there could be such a kind of corridor full of people enjoying their Sunday. Dogs, bikes, skaters,... And me, thinking about the silence of those last weeks. And then, a sunbeam in front of me, to “wake me up”, to make me realize that views were much more beautiful than the past silence.

Don’t think and just wait. Time will run and things will come.

5 comentaris:

. ha dit...

no sabia jo tampoc que en tenies, jjeje... xo tu te'l curres i el fas en anglés... jo ho he intentat però la inspiració no és la mateixa en anglés. Aquest cap de setmana ja baixe al poble.Això de fer de domingueros està de puta mare, jo he pensat d'ixir menys els caps de setmana i aprofitar els matins.
Fem una excursió el cap de setmana??
On tu vulgues... m'he donat compte que viatgem per tota Europa i encara ni coneguem els pobles del nostre voltant.
Que et sembla?? Besets bonicaaa!!

. ha dit...

Hey darling! How are you?? Any notice to tell us?? Already holidays.. Are you going to do sth?? If u want to come with us,we're not going to do lots of things but at least go to "Berenar" with "mona" and so on to the mountain...
well, i'll arrive to pedreguer on friday afternoon.just let me know, ok??
kiss kiss kiss

Anònim ha dit...

Hola Mireia,

T'escric d'Inter-Schools, hem intentat contactar amb tu via mail pel tema de la beca del Mec. Avui és l'últim dia per poder reencviar el cupó resposta la ministeri, i no ens ha arribat cap formulari. L'acreditacció que ens envieu via mail no es pot obrir, per tant, no tenim el teu telèfon per contactar-te. Siusolau, truca'ns avui mateix perquè demà no aceptarà el ministeri cap cupó resposta.

Moltes gràcies

900 100 950

. ha dit...

darling!it's been so long without any change in your blog.. too many things to do... u always have to remember the freak world my dear! there are always people going around and trying to find some news from u.. heheh..

good luck in ur exams!

Mandragora ha dit...

Torne a prendre Té amb mèl i llima de nou...que ja hem feia falta. Gracies pel teu comentari a una de tantes locures meves. Ciao